CloudFormation vs Terraform

April 20, 2022

CloudFormation vs Terraform

Choosing the right tool for cloud deployment is a crucial decision for many organizations. Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers CloudFormation while HashiCorp offers Terraform. Both are Infrastructure as Code (IaC) products that allow developers to create, modify, and manage cloud resources via code rather than manual processes. So, let's dive into a factual comparison of CloudFormation vs Terraform.


Cost is always an important factor in any deployment. Terraform is a free-to-use, open-source tool, whereas CloudFormation is a part of AWS and is offered at no extra cost. However, AWS does charge for the resources deployed through CloudFormation.

Syntax and Language Support

CloudFormation uses AWS-specific syntax, whereas Terraform uses HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL). HCL is similar to JSON, which allows users to express infrastructure as code in a simple and readable format.

Additionally, Terraform has a more extensive list of built-in providers and modules, making it easier to manage resources across different cloud providers. However, CloudFormation is AWS-specific, and it integrates into the AWS ecosystem seamlessly.


Regarding performance, CloudFormation deploys faster than Terraform. CloudFormation uses Amazon's CloudFormation servers, which are optimized to manage AWS resources. In contrast, Terraform works with several cloud providers and is not optimized for AWS resources.

Community Support

Terraform has a more extensive community and is more widely adopted by non-AWS specific environments. Terraform modules can be shared and reused more easily because they are language-agnostic. On the other hand, CloudFormation has limited community support, and its modules are AWS-specific.


When comparing CloudFormation vs Terraform, it's a close call. CloudFormation is suitable for AWS-only deployments and integrating seamlessly with AWS's ecosystem. In contrast, Terraform is language-agnostic, which makes it great for multi-cloud and hybrid cloud deployments. As for cost, Terraform wins as it's free, whereas CloudFormation is a part of AWS with charges for the deployed resources.

Either way, the final decision should always come down to your business needs and preferences.


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